Wednesday 25 April 2012

Selling Your Tableware

Selling Tableware

Many clients approach me to ask if we buy tableware, or just sell it.

Simple answer really. If we did not buy, we would have nothng to sell.

If you have china or pottery tableware which you wish to sell, tell us about it, either by telephone or by email. However, bear in mind that we will only purchase items that are in virtually "as new" condition. Items that are scratched, chipped, crazed, cracked, worn or faded will not be accepted. Some other dealers might be interested in selling worn out items, but I have built a business reputation by only dealing in quality products. My rule of thumb has always been that the items that we eventually offer for sale must be of such quality that I would be happy to use them on my own table in the presence of guests - even when the mother in law comes to visit.

The other things that you need to tell us when offering items for sale are:

1 Manufacturer's name, (eg Poole Pottery, Denby, Royal Doulton, Hornsea, Johnson Bros or whatever).

2 Pattern name. Often this is shown on the reverse of the item, or sometimes just a pattern code (often a combination of letters and numbers) is shown. If you cannot find either of these types of identification, include a photograph of a sample item.

3 We usually collect items from you, if we agree a purchase price, so tell us what area the items will need to be collected from.

Once I have received the above information, I will contact you to let you know if we are intersted in purchasing the items, and what price we are able to offer. If you accept our offer, we will then arrange to collect the items from you at a mutally convenient time and date.

It really is as simple as that.

Chris Eley

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