Thursday 12 November 2009

Royal Doulton Autumn's Glory

There are some patterns of tableware that stand out to me as being likely to survive the test of time, by still being popular when household fashions change. One such pattern is the Autumn's Glory range manufactured by Royal Doulton.

The production of Autumn's Glory ceased many years ago and I know that if I had been involved in that decision, I would have been recommending its continuance. However, I guess that Royal Doulton had enough problems without having the added encumbrance of having me on the senior management team.

It had a pattern of fresh looking fruit and leaves on a plain white background, all showing on attractively shaped tableware with a practical and user friendly glaze. I do not know how many years it was produced for, but I suspect that it was fewer years than many patterns, because it seldom becomes available to us in good condition. Or perhaps the problem is that those lucky people who have this range, just cannot bear to part with it, so none becomes available on the "previously owned" market. You may have guessed: I quite like this pattern.

To view our current stock of this pattern just click on Autumn's Glory .

Enjoy your tableware

Chris Eley

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